Blinds and curtains options to solve your work from home blues – Curtains and Blinds Singapore

Visa Month Special: 7% Discount with no min spend.

All home owners will receive $300 climate
vouchers to use for selected blinds at mc.2.

Visa Month Special: 7% Discount with no min spend.

百叶窗和遮帘 解决您居家办公的忧郁



居家办公从来都不是一件容易的事,因为它模糊了专业和个人之间的界限,将我们过去几代人都认为需要分开的生活两层面给混合在一起。 此外,每户家庭生活环境都不同,并有存在杂乱、躺椅、舒适的角落和许多其他干扰因素,都可能影响工作效率和生产力。


以下mc.2 提供三个贴士,可帮助您将家园变成理想的居家办公空间。

用无缝衔接遮帘 阻挡阳台空间干扰

A big trend that’s been on the rise is to turn the balcony into part of the indoor area for extra space. Easily turn balconies into indoor area with outdoor zip blinds, also widely known as zip track. They are ideal for these work corners as it doesn’t take up space while working to let in and keep out as much sunlight as you need to control indoor temperature while also keeping out outdoor elements like insects, dust, rain and more. They are also energy efficient has they can easily be extended or retracted to maintain the right level of natural light and temperature. Most outdoor zip blinds also come with UV ray protection. Now your alfresco area can be on you can truly enjoy, through rain or shine.

让落地窗户 更有时尚感

Full panel windows always lend home a modern and fashionable feel. Nothing spells style quite like a space that embraces its surrounding view and shows it off to its inhabitants. Frame these breath-taking full panels with designer curtains selection for an extra touch of chic with popular brands at mc.2 like Alessandro Bini, Jeal Paul Gaultier, Larsen and more. Alternatively, top-down-bottom-up (TDBU) blinds are also great for full control of the lighting of the space. You can allow natural light in from the top while having your privacy protected or roll it up from the bottom for a view you can enjoy.

用威尼斯遮帘 妆点传统窗户

For homes that retained classic windows, transform the atmosphere with white or wooden venetian blinds. They instantly lend everything a sleek and stylish look and feel with their clean minimalist horizontal lines. The choice of white or wood is also intentional because the clean colours remove clutter and evoke space and tranquillity for more pleasant views at home. Sturdy and low maintenance, cleaning is also fuss-free, requiring only a quick wipe. Beyond their sophisticated visual appeal, venetian blinds are functionally versatile, giving you the option to go with maximum privacy, minimal lighting or letting in as much natural light to your room.





    ALTEX 上下移动遮帘在新加坡流行3 大原因

    谈到家居装饰,尤其是窗帘,现在屋主有多类的广泛选择,每一类还分别有多种选择可满足时尚和功能要求。 传统窗帘给人格外的舒适感; 无缝衔接遮帘则通过字面拉链将户外空间转换为室内舒适感,威尼斯遮帘则以低保养风格带入家庭。

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